Columbia Par Car Serial Numbers and Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) are located in various locations depending on the model of Columbia you have. Check the list below to find your VIN in the following locations.
These VIN numbers can be hard to see and even get to in some cases so bring a rag to wipe of the VIN tag and also bring a flashlight to see better.
MEGA – Glove Box, under steering wheel cover, kick panel, front dash panel
EAGLE – under steering wheel cover, passenger side upper foot rest area, driver side glove box
SUMMIT SUV – Under steering wheel cover, on vehicle nameplate, in driver side glove box
NEV – Under steering wheel cover, headlight cover ledge, top of front body, on nameplate
OLDER VEHICLES – stamped on left rear frame above axle
More info on Columbia ParCar can be found on their corporate site here.
If you don’t see the Columbia ParCar Serial Numbers or Vehicle Identification Numbers in these locations a few others can be found behind the batteries in the battery bank structure.
In fact thanks for helping us get the information out to the public. But would you be so kind as to include a link or source reference back to our site? Thanks.
Bruno: The info came from another site in our network but I will be glad to link back to your site.