Mantys Electric Golf Car brings the feel and style of a Segway to the golf course. Too bad we will have to weight about a year before it becomes available.
Dimensions 1300 x 700 x 1400 [LxWxH mm] Dimensions folded 1300 x 700 x 400 [LxWxH mm] Weight 40 kg Top speed 18 km/h Range 36 holes / 22.5 km Batteries 2x 24V Li-ion 20Ah Motors 2x 500W geared electric motors on rear wheels Wheels 115/55-6.5 turf saver profile Braking hydraulic disc brakes Suspension oil-damped shock absorbers Features score cardholder, ball & tee holder, cup holder |
When you feel your golf cart causes you too much separation from the golf course you will may want to consider one of these – Mantys Electric Golf Cart where you can relieve yourself from carrying your golf bag about. This will be presented at the Golf Europe fair in Berlin this Sunday. With features like turf-saving tires, 18 kilometers per hour top speed (Just over 11 mph), a range of 36 holes and holders for scorecards, cups, balls and tees you can now stop trailering your personal customized golf cart in and just throw one of these in the back of you truck.
The Mantys is already available, production has commenced and the first few dozen carts have been sold already! 🙂