If you are having issues with the Solenoid on your EZGO PDS golf cart this wiring diagram image may help out.
The solenoid going bad and having to be replaced is one of the more common problems on golf carts. It is good to take photos of the wiring layout before your remove the solenoid for a reference when putting on a new one. The Solenoid Wiring Diagram below shows the pathway between the golf cart batteries and motor. There are many connections that could go bad in this complex path, so don’t get your wiring mixed up.
The Yellow wire goes to the + side small post. Connect the Blue wire to the – side small post. Connect the Red to the – side large post.
You can find EZGO PDS 36 volt heavy duty solenoids here cheaper than a dealer.
These are also used on all 1980 – 2010 E-Z-GO 36 Volt TXT, Marathon and Medalist Vehicles. They also fit on Yamaha 36 Volt G2 models without issue.