What Tune-up And Maintenance Should I Do Each Year To My Electric Golf Cart

electric golf cart maintenance list

Tune-ups And Maintenance you should do on your Electric golf cart to keep it going and make last longer are mostly easy. The annual inspection on your golf car is similar to a yearly doctors check up for your body. You find out if something is wrong early and take care of it while it is still easy to fix. A golf cart inspected once a year will last longer, ride better and keep it’s value for many years by keeping parts serviced properly.

Here is a list of the Maintenance Should I Do Each Year To An Electric Golf Cart:

Spray wash car, undercarriage, batteries,
Brakes inspected, cleaned and adjusted
Correct tire pressure
Tighten all front suspension and check for wear on springs, spindles, bushings, etc.
Grease pivot points and bearings
Check differential oil levels
Check steering linkage for tightness and wear
Clean all battery tops with water and baking soda to remove build up
Remove and clean all battery cables, change to 4 gauge cables if needed
Level water up in batteries with Distilled water
Use battery cable Protective Spray
Inspect battery charger for proper operation
Check battery trays for rusting and corrosion

These basic maintenance steps to your Electric Golf Cart will add years to the life and improve quality of the ride.