EZGO Beep Code Chart – How To Read Codes PDS

When you have problems with your EZGO PDS golf cart, you know, the ones with the forward/reverse switch on the dash, you can enter the golf cart into diagnostics mode to help find out what is wrong with it.

To enter PDS diagnostics mode turn the key switch off, move the run/tow switch to run, move the direction switch from neutral to reverse 5 times. Your cart will beep to confirm you are in diagnostics mode. Soon after, the carts diagnostics code will beep out your code if there is a problem. After receiving your beep code move the run/tow switch to tow.

Here is your PDS beep code chart.
PDS beep code chart

8 thoughts on “EZGO Beep Code Chart – How To Read Codes PDS

  1. I work for ez go last 7 years.
    I face many and different problems in 7years But PDS beep code chart always help me.
    Now I m not working anymore for ezgo but I still using PDS beep code chart.
    Bcoz it’s very very helpful for all.
    I wanna till to all technical person please try 1 time and save your time .

    Bruno: Glad it helped.

  2. We have an ezgo that has been dating for about 2 years s it needed new batteries. Today I decided to get 6 new batteries and a new set of cables as they were all corroded. Now I have a continuous beep. Before leaving the cart everything was fine, just batteries.

    What could he the issue?

    Thanks in advance JR

  3. What s wrong if I can’t get it to beep?

    Bruno: Has you back-up buzzer been disabled? If so it won’t beep.

  4. I just did this and mine beeped 4 times
    But I really don’t understand the chart

    Bruno: The first series of short beeps tells you which type of speed/hill plug is installed in your cart. After the pause the next set of beeps tells you the fault code. If there is only one set of beeps there is no fault the controller can find. 4 beeps is usually an issue with the Solenoid.

  5. I have a continuous beep on my 36 volt ezgo cart does not move either direction

    Bruno: a little to vague for me to get an idea of what it could be. Sorry.

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