Repairing an EZGO Golf Cart Parking Brake That Won’t Stay Engaged
Repairing an EZGO Golf Cart Parking Brake That Won’t Stay Engaged.
Golf Cart Repair Help Videos For EZGO, Club Car
Repairing an EZGO Golf Cart Parking Brake That Won’t Stay Engaged.
How To Patch And Repair Golf Cart Tire. – This video walks you through the process of cleaning, prepping, gluing, plugging, and patching a flat tire from a golf cart. Works for EZGO, Glub Car, or Yamaha golf carts.
Yamaha G1 exhaust muffler system get leaks, and needs to be fixed or repaired within a few years. The exhaust gets noisy and smoke can come out from under the seat. Most backyard mechanics will have no problem fixing their Yamaha G1 golf cart with the correct parts.
Video on how to replace the Forward/Reverse switch on an E-Z-Go TXT golf cart after one goes bad. Bad wire connections can lead to overheating which will then lead to failure.
How to do a front end alignment on the independent suspension of a Yamaha G29 Drive golf cart. This video below will walk you through the steps to keep your golf cart traveling in a strait line. This will keep you from wearing out your tires and will make your Yamaha golf cart drive better.
Taking a look at what could be broken in your gas golf cart’s starter. This is not a full starter motor repair video but more of a look at what may be going wrong with you golf cart.
A very common repair issue with EZ-Go TXT golf cart models is replacing a bad or damaged Forward / Reverse switch. This applies to 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 and the rest of the manual shift models. The PDS models use and electronic switch and are not addressed in this repair video.
If you need to fix a few holes in your golf cart body and paint it this video will walk you through the steps. Patching the holes are not very hard to do yourself. It just take a couple of hours of your time and under $20 in pant and body filler.
How to repair and replace the cord and the control board on a DPI Golf Cart Battery Charger 36 or 48 Volt.
Video of how to diagnose a Powerwise golf cart charger board as well as other key parts of your golf cart charger. How to test the board, relay, ammeter, fuse, and diodes in your golf cart charger. This is the standard charger for 36 volt EZGO golf carts.