Custom built Delorean Golf Cart replica that would make Doc Brown of ‘Back to the Future’ feel at home on the golf course.
The Delorean Golf Cart come complete with Mr. Fusion reactor and lit dash panel buttons that call out quotes from the Back to the Future movie. Most of the complete build can be seen here at the source.
Looks like loads of custom fabrication went into the body panels of the Club Car along with plenty of electronics added on.
Here is a list of what the dash buttons do:
Buttons are as follows: Engine start sound Music (Theme, 10 secs) Doc Brown Quotes Marty McFly Quotes Doc Brown – 1.21 gigawatts?! quote Biff Quotes Music (BTTF dramatic music, 5 seconds) BTTF twinkle sound The rockers: 1. Running Lights 2. Brights 3. Under lights 4. Time lights (blue LED strips) 5. Main system power (triggers a relay to control all devices) 6. Overhead console, stereo, sound effects, tablet charger 7. Random side panel detail lights 8. red LED’s inside rear vents 9. rear side panels random circuits/light effects