Where to hook up 48v to 12v voltage reducer converter Club Car DS golf cart image

48 volt to 12 volt reducer hook up

If you want to add a radio or a light kit to your 48 volt Club Car DS golf cart you will need a voltage reducer or converter to use all batteries equally. This image shows you where to connect the wires from the 48v to 12v voltage reducer to the battery posts.

If you don’t use a golf cart voltage reducer you run the risk of damaging the Club Car’s electronics and also causing problems with your batteries. I is also a good idea to have the proper sized fuze installed on your new wiring connections to protect the new electronics from any excessive surge in power.

48 volt to 12 volt reducer hook up

One thought on “Where to hook up 48v to 12v voltage reducer converter Club Car DS golf cart image

  1. The voltage reducer supplied with my cart has a trigger wire. Is this needed if the kit has a dash switch and if so how does it wire? Thanks for your help,
    Jeff Zimmermann

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