This golf cart help video will explain in detail, the common failures of mechanical / electrical forward and reverse direction selector switches used in electric golf carts. The beakdown examines the various parts and components of the golf cart forward and reverse switches, tell-tale signs of hot spots, or high current damage, and remedies to solve your problems you may have.
I have an EZ GO Electric that I have no idea of production date. I bought it used and believe it may have been rebuilt using several different used parts. My issue is that all of a sudden the cart will reverse direction when I am backing up. I will be backing up rather slowly and for no apparent reason it will all of a sudden snap forward until I take my foot off the throttle. Is this a sign of the switch failing or is it something else?
I have an Ez Go gas powered Golf cart and it goes into reverse okay but it I’m on and incline it does not go into forward. I snap the selector a couple of times and it eventually gets into gear but then will jump out of forward gear as I drive.